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Building Native Scala Applications with GraalVM

April 15, 2021 - scala graalvm native-image

GraalVM is a high-performance JDK distribution. It allows execution of applications written in JVM languages (Java, Scala, Kotlin, ...) and supports popular non-JVM languages: JavaScript, Ruby, Python, R.

These languages can interoperate with the help of the Truffle Framework - a framework for writing interpreters for programming languages. In this way, several programming languages can be mixed in a single application where they can directly interact in the same memory space without overhead.

GraalVM Overview



GraalVM Modes


GraalVM offers several runtime Modes:

GraalVM Mode Tradeoffs


With different modes of execution, JIT and AOT, there are some inherent trade-offs.

JIT - with the help of Just-in-Time (JIT) optimizing compilers we're eventually getting higher throughput and lower latency: at runtime, the information about the application is gathered and can be used later to create fast and optimized machine code.

AOT - the code is compiled once and, when started, we do not have means to interpret it in a different way or gather profiling feedback in order to optimize it during execution. However, an application starts faster and has a small memory footprint.

GraalVM Goals


One of the GraalVM goals is to improve the performance of languages that run on the JVM.

To accomplish that in AOT mode, GraalVM Enterprise Edition incorporates Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO)1. PGO adds the possibility to instrument binary executable, collect the profiling information and use it to optimize the performance of the resulting binary later.

GraalVM Ahead-of-Time Compilation (AOT) Mode

GraalVM Native Image Creation


To build a native executable (or a shared library), a native-image building tool should be used.

As an input, native-image takes application classes, JDK libraries, 3rd-party libraries, resources and Substrate VM (deoptimizer, garbage collector (GC), thread scheduling).

Then it runs an aggressive static analysis, where all classes, packages, etc. that are reachable at run time must be known at build time ('closed-world' assumption). As a result it produces a binary that is OS and architecture specific, without dependency on JDK (unless a fallback option is specified).

Building a Native Executable for a Scala Application


There are 3 steps to build a native Scala application:

  1. Install GraalVM
  2. Prepare configuration for the application
  3. Build it

The main part here is to prepare the configuration. Without proper configuration there is a high chance of errors either on build- or run-time.

Installing GraalVM

One way to get GraalVM is to use that provides a Command Line Interface (CLI) for installing, using and removing various Software Development Kits.

$ sdk list java
$ sdk install java
$ sdk use java
# Using java version in this shell.
$ gu install native-image

Here gu is a command-line utility to install and manage optional GraalVM components.

Available Java Versions
 Vendor        | Use | Version      | Dist    | Status     | Identifier
 GraalVM       |     | | grl     | installed  |    
               |     |  | grl     |            |     
               |     | | grl     |            |    

Prepare Configuration for the Application

Use tracing agent to find all usages of dynamic features

The build operation relies on a static analysis of the reachable code. However, static analysis cannot trace all uses of Java Reflection, Java Native Interface (JNI), Dynamic Proxy objects (java.lang.reflect.Proxy), or class path resources (Class.getResource). These dynamic features should be specified in configuration files (require configuration at build time).

GraalVM provides an agent that helps to trace all dynamic features, used in the application, and create configuration files.

To use the agent, we need to run the app with -agentlib:native-image-agent parameter in JVM-environment. During this execution, the agent intercepts all calls that look up classes, methods, resources and on exit generates configuration files:

These files will be used to build a binary image.

It might be worth running an application several times to cover different use-cases and merge configuration files after that (merging can be automated).

$ export META_INF_DIR=./module/main/resources/META-INF/native-image
$ java \
-agentlib:native-image-agent=config-output-dir=”${META_INF_DIR}” \
-jar ./target/app.jar [...other options if needed]

As an alternative, instead of META-INF/native-image a more specific path, META-INF/native-image/groupID/artifactID/ can be used.

Build Fat JAR

Create a fat JAR of your project with all of its dependencies, for example with sbt-assembly plugin.

in build.sbt:

lazy val app = (project in file("module"))
   name := "app",
   libraryDependencies ++= Dependencies.App,
   assembly / mainClass := Some(""),
   assembly / assemblyOutputPath := new File(s"./target/${name.value}.jar"),
   assembly / assemblyJarName := s"${name.value}"

Edit Configuration (Optional)

The resulting configurations could be too complex OR there can be missing elements. It is recommended to review the generated configuration files (jni-config.json, reflect-config.json, proxy-config.json, resource-config.json)

For example, it might be worth to remove references to Lambda objects:


Build a Native Executable

At the end we need to invoke native-image utility. We can provide additional options (OR, as an alternative, it is possible to create a properties-file inside META-INF/native-image directory).

An example of the build command:

$ native-image \
 --verbose \
 --initialize-at-build-time="${BUILD_INIT_LIST}" \
 --initialize-at-run-time="${RUNTIME_INIT_LIST}" \
 --no-fallback \
 --allow-incomplete-classpath \
 --enable-http \
 --enable-https \
 -H:+ReportUnsupportedElementsAtRuntime \
 -H:+ReportExceptionStackTraces \
 -jar "${APP_JAR_PATH}" "${APP_NAME}"

Please consult the documentation for the list of available options and their description.


. . .

[app:3942]    classlist:   6,662.52 ms,  0.96 GB
[app:3942]        (cap):   1,000.09 ms,  0.96 GB
[app:3942]        setup:   3,337.82 ms,  0.96 GB
[app:3942]     (clinit):   1,836.09 ms,  3.27 GB
[app:3942]   (typeflow):  64,895.79 ms,  3.27 GB
[app:3942]    (objects):  55,283.05 ms,  3.27 GB
[app:3942]   (features):   3,300.29 ms,  3.27 GB
[app:3942]     analysis: 128,536.69 ms,  3.27 GB
[app:3942]     universe:   5,633.38 ms,  3.27 GB
[app:3942]      (parse):  36,065.82 ms,  4.31 GB
[app:3942]     (inline):  36,724.26 ms,  6.05 GB
[app:3942]    (compile):  97,866.60 ms,  6.47 GB
[app:3942]      compile: 174,217.81 ms,  6.47 GB
[app:3942]        image:   5,525.45 ms,  6.47 GB
[app:3942]        write:   1,353.10 ms,  6.47 GB
[app:3942]      [total]: 325,781.52 ms,  6.47 GB

. . .

After execution (might take time) the binary executable will be created. In case of warnings/errors it might be needed to update the configuration-files and rebuild the application after that.


As an example, a project that was built with GraalVM using the guidelines, provided in this article.



At the moment of writing, PGO is not available in GraalVM Community Edition, CE


Always measure, the performance is heavily dependent on a use-case.