Mind the Gap: Interval, Relations, and Algorithms Library

Welcome to the Mind the Gap documentation! This library provides a comprehensive set of tools to work with intervals, relations, and algorithms. Whether you're working with points, intervals, or need to apply advanced interval-based algorithms, this library has you covered.

Key Features

Getting Started

To include this library in your Scala project, add the following dependency to your build.sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.gchudnov" %% "mtg" % "2.0.0"

// Optional dependencies for diagram generation
libraryDependencies += "com.github.gchudnov" %% "mtg-diagram-ascii" % "2.0.0"   // ASCII diagrams
libraryDependencies += "com.github.gchudnov" %% "mtg-diagram-mermaid" % "2.0.0" // Mermaid diagrams

Import the Library

Once the dependency is added, import the required packages into your project:

import com.github.gchudnov.mtg.*
import com.github.gchudnov.mtg.diagram.*

Example: Intersection of Intervals

This library allows you to perform operations like intersection between intervals. Here’s a quick example:

val a = Interval.closed(0, 5) // [0,5]
val b = Interval.closed(1, 6) // [1,6]

val c = a.intersection(b) // [1,5]

// Output: [1,5]

Explore More

For more examples, including real-world use cases, check out the examples directory.

Documentation Overview

The documentation is divided into the following sections:

Each section contains detailed explanations, code examples, and diagrams to help you understand how to use the library effectively.

Intervals Overview

Intervals are defined as pairs of points {a-, a+}, representing the start and end. They can be open, closed, bounded, or unbounded, and various operations can be performed on them.

To learn more, check out the Intervals section.

Relations Overview

The library implements Allen's interval algebra, which defines 13 distinct relations between time intervals. Relations include before, after, meets, overlaps, and many more.

To dive deeper into relations, visit the Relations section.

Algorithms Overview

The library supports several key interval algorithms, such as intersection, span, union, and more advanced operations like grouping and splitting intervals.

For a deeper dive into interval algorithms, see the Algorithms section.

Diagram Support

Visualizing intervals is essential for understanding complex relations and operations. This library offers support for generating diagrams in both ASCII and Mermaid formats.

ASCII Diagram Example

val a = Interval.closed(3, 7)
val b = Interval.closed(10, 15)

val renderer = AsciiRenderer.make[Int]()
val diagram = Diagram
  .withSection { s =>
    List(a, b).zipWithIndex.foldLeft(s) { case (s, (i, k)) =>
      s.addInterval(i, s"${('a' + k).toChar}")



The output will look like this:

  [*******]                          | [3,7]   : a
              [**********]           | [10,15] : b
--+-------+-----+-------+-----+---+ |
  3       7     10      15          |

Mermaid Diagram Example

import java.time.*

val t1 = LocalTime.parse("04:00")
val t2 = LocalTime.parse("10:00")

val renderer = MermaidRenderer.make[LocalTime]
val diagram = Diagram
  .withSection { s =>
    val s0 = s.withTitle("Time Intervals")
    List(Interval.closed(t1, t2)).zipWithIndex.foldLeft(s0) { case (s, (i, k)) =>
      s.addInterval(i, s"${('a' + k).toChar}")



The output can be visualized using the Mermaid Live Editor:

  title       Time Intervals
  dateFormat  HH:mm:ss.SSS
  axisFormat  %H:%M:%S

  section Time Intervals
  a  :04:00:00.000, 10:00:00.000

Further Resources

If you have any questions, feel free to explore open an issue on GitHub.