An interval is defined by two points {a-, a+}
, representing its start and end on a linear domain D
. An interval is a convex set that contains all elements between a-
and a+
For each element of the domain D
, there is only one successor and predecessor, with no other elements in-between.
A pair {a-, a+} ∈ D × D
corresponds to a point on a two-dimensional plane.
Using the successor, succ()
, and predecessor, pred()
functions to get the next and previous elements, we define different types of intervals:
- Closed interval
[a-, a+]
is represented as[a-, a+]
. - Right-open interval
[a-, a+)
is represented as[a-, pred(a+)]
. - Left-open interval
(a-, a+]
is represented as[succ(a-), a+]
. - Open interval
(a-, a+)
is represented as[succ(a-), pred(a+)]
We consider an interval to be in canonical form when represented as a closed interval.
A pair {a-, a+}
represents a non-empty interval if a- ≤ a+
; otherwise, the interval is empty.
If the left boundary a-
is equal to the right boundary a+
, forming a single value, it is called a degenerate interval or point.
A non-empty interval is proper if a- < a+
A proper interval is bounded if it is both left- and right-bounded, and unbounded otherwise.
On the diagram above, proper intervals are represented as points above the line a+ = a-
, point intervals lie on the line a+ = a-
, and empty intervals are below the line.
- Empty:
a- > a+
- Point:
{x} = {x | a- = x = a+}
- Proper:
a- < a+
- Bounded:
- Open:
(a-, a+) = {x | a- < x < a+}
- Closed:
[a-, a+] = {x | a- ≤ x ≤ a+}
- Left-closed, right-open:
[a-, a+) = {x | a- ≤ x < a+}
- Left-open, right-closed:
(a-, a+] = {x | a- < x ≤ a+}
- Open:
- Left-bounded, right-unbounded:
- Left-open:
(a-, +∞) = {x | x > a-}
- Left-closed:
[a-, +∞) = {x | x ≥ a-}
- Left-open:
- Left-unbounded, right-bounded:
- Right-open:
(-∞, a+) = {x | x < a+}
- Right-closed:
(-∞, a+] = {x | x ≤ a+}
- Right-open:
- Unbounded:
(-∞, +∞)
- Bounded:
To create an interval, use one of the factory methods:
Interval.empty // ∅ = (+∞, -∞)
Interval.point(5) // {5}, 5) // (1, 5)
Interval.closed(1, 5) // [1, 5]
Interval.leftClosedRightOpen(1, 5) // [1, 5)
Interval.leftOpenRightClosed(1, 5) // (1, 5]
Interval.leftOpen(1) // (1, +∞)
Interval.leftClosed(5) // [5, +∞)
Interval.rightOpen(1) // (-∞, 1)
Interval.rightClosed(5) // (-∞, 5]
Interval.unbounded // (-∞, +∞), Some(5)) // (1, 5), None) // (1, +∞), Some(5)) // (-∞, 5), None) // (-∞, +∞)
Interval.closed(Some(1), Some(5)) // [1, 5]
Interval.closed(Some(1), None) // [1, +∞)
Interval.closed(None, Some(5)) // (-∞, 5]
Interval.closed(None, None) // (-∞, +∞)
Given an interval a
, you can check its type using:
: check if the interval is empty.a.isPoint
: check if the interval is a point.a.isProper
: check if the interval is proper.
Alternatively, use the negations a.nonEmpty
, a.nonPoint
, and a.nonProper
., 5).isEmpty // false, 5).isProper // true, 5).isPoint // false
produces the canonical form of an interval, where both boundaries are closed.
A closed interval remains unchanged in its canonical form., 5).canonical // (1, 5) -> [2, 4]
Interval.closed(1, 5).canonical // [1, 5] -> [1, 5]
swaps the left and right boundaries of an interval, converting a non-empty interval into an empty interval or vice versa.
Interval.closed(1, 5).swap // [1, 5] -> [5, 1]
inflates an interval, extending its size: [a-, a+] -> [pred(a-), succ(a+)]
Interval.closed(1, 2).inflate // [1, 2] -> [0, 3]
In addition, you can use a.inflateLeft
and a.inflateRight
to extend the left and right boundaries independently.
reduces the size of an interval: [a-, a+] -> [succ(a-), pred(a+)]
Note: After deflation, an interval may become empty.
Interval.closed(1, 2).deflate // [1, 2] -> [2, 1]
Similarly, a.deflateLeft
and a.deflateRight
reduce the left and right boundaries independently.
Use .toString
to represent an interval in a human-readable form:
val a = Interval.empty
val b = Interval.point(5)
val c = Interval.proper(None, true, Some(2), false)
a.toString // ∅
b.toString // {5}
c.toString // [-∞,2)
A collection of intervals can be displayed using ASCII or Mermaid diagrams.
val a = Interval.closed(3, 7)
val b = Interval.closed(10, 15)
val c = Interval.closed(12, 20)
val renderer = AsciiRenderer.make()
val diagram = Diagram
The output will be:
[*******] | [3,7] : a
[**********] | [10,15] : b
[***************] | [12,20] : c
--+-------+-----+----+-----+---------+-- |
3 7 10 12 15 20 |
Canvas size and theme can be customized. See the examples directory for more details.
Only Date/Time intervals are supported for Mermaid diagrams.
val t1 = LocalTime.parse("04:00")
val t2 = LocalTime.parse("10:00")
val t3 = LocalTime.parse("08:00")
val t4 = LocalTime.parse("20:00")
val a = Interval.closed(t1, t2)
val b = Interval.closed(t3, t4)
val renderer = MermaidRenderer.make
val diagram = Diagram
.withTitle("My Mermaid Diagram")
This will produce a Mermaid diagram:
title My Mermaid Diagram
dateFormat HH:mm:ss.SSS
axisFormat %H:%M:%S
section My Section
a :04:00:00.000, 10:00:00.000
b :08:00:00.000, 20:00:00.000
This can be rendered using the Mermaid Live Editor.
To work with intervals, a given
instance of Domain[T]
is required. It is provided by default for integral and date-type types.
A custom domain can be defined (example) for specific types or constructed using a family of make
functions (example).
Intervals can be ordered as follows:
- If
a- < b+
thena < b
. - If
a- == b+
, then:- If
a+ < b+
, thena < b
. - If
a+ == b+
, thena == b
. - Otherwise,
a > b
- If
- Otherwise,
a > b
val a = Interval.closed(0, 10) // [0, 10]
val b = Interval.closed(20, 30) // [20, 30]
List(b, a).sorted // List(a, b) // [0, 10], [20, 30]